Our Charges
New Building Regulation application charges from 1st April 2019
The Building Control Partnership (BCP) set the charge level for Building Regulation applications within the Boroughs of Gosport and Fareham and Portsmouth City Council. Charges are set at a level to recover the cost of providing our service.
The charges we apply for Building Regulations applications are individually determined. This means each charge is calculated on a case-by-case basis.
To help us provide the best possible price for your scheme you can ask us for a quote by emailing us bcpartnership@fareham.gov.uk and we will contact you within 24 hours.
Alternatively call us on 01329 824823 between 8.45am and 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
Please supply as much information as possible, ideally the information should be on plans that you can attached to a email. Information that will help us to calculate your charge includes:
Type of work - for example: a new building, an extension, alterations etc
A description of the work and/or size of the building or extension - for example floor area and numbers of floors
Any special features or methods of construction
Any parts of the work that a competent person scheme installer might be responsible for
The likely build cost of the work
We welcome early involvement, particularly on larger projects, prior to the formal deposit of a Building Regulations application to provide maximum assistance to achieve rapid approval of your scheme.
Our scheme of charges provides information on how the council sets its building regulations charges - the scheme does not contain any tables or lists of charges - if you require a charge quotation please either phone or send us an email request.
The scheme is available for viewing after 1st April 2019 at the Building Control Administration centre , Depot Offices, Broadcut, Fareham, PO16 8SP
Payment of Charges
Plan Charge
This charge is payable at the time of submitting the application - and is for the compliance assessment of the plans.
Inspection Charge
The inspection charge is payable after the first inspection made by one of our Building Control surveyors. The applicant will be invoiced for the charge, which will cover the number of inspections considered reasonable and necessary for the work involved.
Building Notice Charge
This charge is payable when you submit your application.
Regularisation Certificate Charge
This charge is payable when you submit your application.
There is no VAT attached to this charge.
In certain cases, mainly involving large scale projects, we may agree to charges being paid by instalments. Please contact us for for further details.
Where plans have been either approved or rejected, no further charge is payable on resubmission for substantially the same work.
Some submissions do not require a charge. These are:
- Insertion of insulating material into an existing cavity wall, providing the installation is certified to an approved standard and the work is carried out by an approved installer.
- Installation of an approved unvented hot water system where the work is carried out by an approved operative or is part of a larger project.
- Work to provide access and facilities for disabled persons in dwellings and buildings to which the public has access. You will be asked for details of any disability registration number to accompany your application.
Charges in respect of all work are subject to VAT at the standard rate; the only exception is the Regularisation charge.
These notes are for guidance only and do not substitute for Statutory Instrument 2010 No. 404 which contains the full statement of the law.