Working in partnership

New roads & Estates

The selection of new street names is a matter which requires careful consideration to ensure that they are suitable for the area and will not conflict with or duplicate any existing names within the same locality.
Most developers are familiar with the Council’s street naming and numbering procedure and will usually apply at an early stage for a numbering and naming scheme.

Image of new development of houses
In order to make an application for a new street name, we would request that an the following is submitted

Providing they are not similar to anything already existing in the area we will consult the Post Office and Local ward councilors; if they agree with the choice approval will be given. On the rare occasions that agreement is not reached the matter is passed to the Councils Cabinet or Board to make the final decision.

Sometimes it is not until a developer applies to a public utility company for a service to be connected that it becomes apparent that a postal address has not be agreed. As the utility companies will not connect their service until the Council has allocated an address, the developer will soon seek to rectify this!

Following agreement with the developer to the proposed street naming and numbering, Royal Mail is asked to allocate postcodes. Royal Mail will not issue a postcode until informed by the local authority that an address has been allocated. The address is not complete without the correct postcode.

When the street name has been agreed a layout plan and a street numbering and naming schedule is prepared which allocates a number and street name to the developer’s plot number. The Building Control Partnership will then notify the statutory bodies and service providers such as the Police, Ambulance, Council tax, Royal Mail etc.

Purchasers of new properties should be careful when passing on their new address details that they are using the postal number and not the plot number, as the two are not necessarily the same. They should also check that what they believe is the official street name is in fact just the developer’s site name.

A common way of creating new highways is by an agreement between developers and the local Highway Authority (Hampshire County Council) under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980.

These agreements are most often made with housing developers, who agree to build the roads to standards laid down by the Highway Authority. In return Hampshire County Council agrees to adopt the roads and to maintain them thereafter as public highways. However, until a road has been adopted it remains private and the responsibility of the developer/house owners.

It is the developer’s responsibility to erect the street name boards in accordance with the signed agreement and approved street name. If you are purchasing a new property you should ask your legal advisor for further advice.

Street Naming and Numbering

Address Management

Street naming and numbering is an important aspect of modern life that perhaps everyone takes for granted, but it is sufficiently important to need legislation to enforce the requirements of government and local government in this area. The address data held in the councils Local Land and Property Gazetteer and the National Land and Property Gazetteer, which are both continually maintained and updated in accordance with the requirements of BS7666. Further information on the NLPG can be found by visiting

Street naming and numbering is a statutory function. The relevant powers for local authorities are contained in Sections 64 and 65 of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847, and Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Public Health Act of 1925. Both Acts are still in force even though they exceed 150 years and 75 years respectively. The legislation requires the Local Authority to prepare street naming and numbering schemes and to maintain a good standard of street nameplates. Both are essential for the efficient functioning of postal and emergency services as well as for the convenience and safety of the general public.

Public Health Act 1925, S 19 gives authorities the power to insist that the name of every street shall be shown in a conspicuous position and also alter or renew it if it becomes illegible. This section makes it illegal to pull down a street name, which has been lawfully set up, or fixes a notice or advertisement within close proximity to the sign. Anyone found guilty of infringing these requirements is liable to a fine imposed by the Magistrates.

The legislation also give the Council’s the ability to make Regulations about erecting the names of public streets and ensuring that the names and numbers of buildings are displayed by owners in accordance with those regulations.

Naming & Numbering Procedure


Fareham Borough Council is not responsible for issuing new postcodes. This is the responsibility of Royal Mail. However they will not issue a postcode for a new street or property until requested to do so by the Council.

Postcodes for commercial premises are allocated in the same way as residential premises, but a large company or business can apply to Royal Mail for its own code – known as a large user code. Application for a large user code is the responsibility of the user, as they will know what volume of mail they generate.

Inquiries about postcodes can be dealt with direct at:

Royal Mail Address Development Centre
Castle Foregate

Phone: 08456 045060
Fax: 08456 054433

Searches for postcodes can also be carried out on the Royal Mail Website:

If you require any further information or advice then please contact the Building Control Section

Fareham Borough Council Gosport Borough Council Portsmouth City Council
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